WBCHSE HS English Suggestion 2022- 'Strong Roots' (APJ Abdul Kalam) | Chapter wise suggestion

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HS English Suggestion 2022
HS English Suggestion 2022 (উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 (২০২২) – ‘Strong Roots’ (APJ Abdul Kalam) প্রশ্ন উত্তর নিচে দেওয়া হলো। এই HS English Suggestion 2022 (উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 (২০২২) – ‘Strong Roots’ (APJ Abdul Kalam) MCQ, Very Short, Short, Descriptive Question & Answer গুলি আগামী West Bengal Higher Secondary English Examination 2022 – পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি 2022 সালের পরীক্ষার জন্য খুব ইম্পর্টেন্ট। আপনারা যারা উচ্চমাধ্যমিক দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি 2022 পরীক্ষার সাজেশন খুঁজে চলেছেন, তারা নিচে দেওয়া প্রশ্নপত্র ভালো করে পড়তে পারেন। এই পরীক্ষা তে কোশ্চেন গুলো আসার সম্ভাবনা খুব বেশি।
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) (1 Mark): HS English Suggestion 2022 (উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 (২০২২) – 'Strong Roots' (APJ Abdul Kalam)প্রশ্ন উত্তর :-

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Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ) (1 Mark): HS English Suggestion 2022 (উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 (২০২২) – 'Strong Roots' (APJ Abdul Kalam) প্রশ্ন উত্তর :-
1. Where was APJ Abdul Kalam born?
Ans.- APJ Abdul Kalam was born at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu.
2. Into what type of family was Abdul Kalam born?
Ans.- Abdul Kalam was born into a middle class Tamil family.
3. Who were Kalam’s parents?
Ans.- Jainulabdeen was APJ Abdul Kalam’s father, and Ashiamma was his mother.
4.Whom did Kalam consider to be a very close friend of his father?
Ans- Kalam considered Pakshi Lakshman Shastri, the head-priest of the Shiva temple of Rameswaram to be a very close friend of his father.
5.What did Kalam’s father use to avoid?
Ans. Kalam’s father used to avoid all inessential comfort and luxuries.
6.Describe the ancestral house of Kalam.
Ans-Kalam’s ancestral house was a fairly large pucca house made of limestone and brick in the Mosque street of Rameswaram. It was built in the middle of 19th century.
7.What does Kalam’s father say about the relevance. of prayer?
Ans. Kalam’s father says that when one prays one becomes the part of the cosmos and it makes possible the communal between the people.
8.Who was bestowed the title of Bahadur in ‘Strong Roots’?
Ans. One of Kalam’s maternal ancestors was bestowed the title of Bahadur by the British.
9.Who was the priest of Shiva Temple in ‘Strong Roots’?
Ans. Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was the priest of Shiva Temple in ‘Strong Roots.
10.What, according to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s father, does adversity always present?
Ans-According to Abdul Kalam’s father adversity always presents opportunities for introspection.
11.When did the father of APJ Abdul Kalam get up from bed?
Ans-Abdul Kalam’s father got up from his bed at 4am
12. How does Kalam describe his appearance?
Ans-Kalam describe his appearance as undistinguished.
13. How did Kalam describe his childhood?
Ans-Kalam described his childhood as secure from both material and emotional viewpoints.
14. Where did Kalam usually eat in his childhood?
Ans-Kalam usually ate on the floor of the kitchen with his mother in his childhood.
15. How was the food served to Kalam by his mother?
Ans- Kalam’s mother served him food on a banana leaf with the help of a ladal.
16. Which religious community was predominant in Kalam’s locality?
Ans- Kalam’s locality was predominantly Muslim.
17. How did Hindus and Muslims live in Kalam’s locality?
Ans-The Hindus and Muslims live amicably with each other in Kalam’s locality.
18. Where did Kalam’s father take him in the evening?
Ans-Kalam’s father took him to an old mosque in the evening.
19.Who used to wait for Kalam’s father outside the mosque?
Ans- People of different religions used to wait for Kalam’s father outside the mosque.
20.How how did Kalam’s father sanctify water for the invalids?
Ans- Kalam father dipped his finger in the bowls of water and chanted prayers to sanctify it.
21. For whom was the water sanctified by Kalam’s father taken?
Ans-The water sanctified by Kalam’s father was taken for the invalids at home.
22. What was the role of Kalam father in propitiating the demonic forces?
Ans- Kalam’s father played the role of a go between in propitiating demonic forces.
23. How according to Kalam does one achieve freedom happiness and peace of mind?
Ans- According to Kalam one achieves freedom happiness and peace of mind when he severs his emotional and physical bond.
24. How far was the coconut grove from Kalam’s house?
Ans- The coconut grove was 4 miles away from Kalam’s house.
25. What did Kalam feel convinced of following his father’s revelation of fundamental truths?
Ans- Following the fundamental truths revealed to him by his father Kalam felt convinced about the existence of a divine power.
Long Answer Type Questions (LAQ) (6 Mark): HS English Suggestion 2022 (উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2022 (২০২২) – 'Strong Roots' (APJ Abdul Kalam) প্রশ্ন উত্তর :-
1.How does Dr. Kalam describe his neighbourhood?
Ans-In his autobiographical writing, ‘Strong Roots’, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has given a description of his locality. He was born in Rameswaram, an island town. It was then a part of Madras state under the British rule. He lived in his ancestral house on the Mosque Street. Rameswaram was very famous to pilgrims because of the Shiva Temple which was near his house. The locality was predominantly Muslim. But a lot of Hindu families also lived there. People of both religions, the Hindus and the Muslims, lived in harmony and peace. In the locality, there was a very old mosque where his father would take him for evening prayers.
2.What picture of communal harmony do you find in the extract from APJ Abdul Kalam’s autobiography ?
Ans-In the autobiographical piece ‘Strong Roots’ Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has presented a fine picture of communal harmony that prevailed in Rameswaram during his childhood days. Although Rameswaram was famous for the Shiva temple, there were mosques too. The locality in which Kalam lived was predominantly Muslim. But there were a lot of Hindu families, too, living amicably with their Muslim neighbours. Kalam recounts a vivid memory of his childhood. Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, the high priest of Rameswaram temple, was an intimate friend of his father’s. Although they belonged to two different religious communities, they had friendly discussions on spiritual matters. There was no enmity or rivalry between them.
3. How does Dr. Kalam recount his father’s daily routine?
Ans.- In his autobiographical piece ‘Strong Roots, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has expressed his great admiration for his father. He has described his father’s disciplined life. He recollects that his father would start his day at 4 am by reading the namaz before dawn. Thereafter his father would go to their small coconut grove on foot. It was about four miles from their ancestral home. He would return with a load of about a dozen coconuts. He would then have his breakfast. His father was so disciplined a man that he maintained this routine even in his late sixties.
4. Who was Pakshi Lakshamana Sastry? How was the relation between Pakshi Lakshamana and Kalam’s father? What does the relationship signify?
Ans.- Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was the high priest of Rameswaram temple.
Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was a very intimate friend of Jainulabdeen, Kalam’s father.
Kalam recounts one of the most vivid memories of his early childhood. Both Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry and Jainulabdeen were in their own traditional attire. They represented two distinctly different religions of the world. They would discuss spiritual matters. Their relationship shows the essence of religion. It brings the message of tolerance and love. This relationship also signifies unity in diversity.
5. What did Kalam’s father tell him about the relevance of prayers?
Ans.- When Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam attained the age to ask questions, he asked his father about the relevance of prayer. His father told Kalam that there was nothing mysterious about prayer. He regarded prayer as a means of communion of the spirit between people. Through prayer, a man can go beyond his bodily existence and become a part of the cosmos. The cosmos knows no division of wealth, age, caste or creed, Thus Kalam’s father justified the relevance of prayer.
6. “Why don’t you say this to the people who come to you…?” Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word ‘this’? Why do the people come to the person spoken to?
Ans.- APJ Abdul Kalam, the writer of the prose piece ‘Strong Roots’, says this to his father Jainul Abedin.
Kalam’s father told Kalam that one should not be afraid of sufferings and problems in life because adversity or hostile situation always brings the opportunity for self analysis. On the other hand, one should try to understand the relevance of his sufferings in life. This wise explanation of Kalam’s father is referred to by this.
People came to Kalam’s father for spiritual help whenever they were in distress and in adverse situations and he used to help them with prayers and offerings.
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