SMFWBEE 2021 Examination Rules of Online & Offline Mode | Paramedical Admission 2021

SMFWBEE 2021 Examination Rules : State Medical Faculty of West Bengal will publish SMFWB Paramedical 2021 on its official website. Candidates can fill out the application form online at the State Medical Faculty of West Bengal’s website (SMFWB). West Bengal State Medical Faculty Entrance Examinations are held for those seeking admission to various paramedical courses offered by government and non-government affiliated institutions. Once a year, the exam is held at the state level. The paramedical test for the SMFWB is a pen-and-paper exam with dates to be announced soon. Candidates can learn more about the SMFWB paramedical exam Application Form process by reading the post below.
SMFWBEE 2021 Exam Highlights
Events | Dates (Tentative) |
SMFWBEE 2021 Application start (Online mode) | 26-08-2021 |
SMFWBEE 2021 Application end (Last day of submitting online application) | 10-09-2021 |
SMFWBEE 2021 Admit card | 27.09.2021 |
SMFWBEE 2021 Mock Test Link | 27.09.2021 | SMFWBEE 2021 Exam | 03.10.2021 (1 PM – 2 PM) |
SMFWBEE 2021 Results | 09.10.2021 |
Selection Process | Marks Obtained in the Online Entrance Test |
Official Website | |
Admit Card
SMFWBEE 2021 Examination Rules :
a) Admit‐cum‐intimation cards will be generated on the notified date for the eligible students to download from their login and take a print online from website. Candidate has to read all the instructions as well as Do’s and Don’t mentioned therein.
Admit Cards will be generated on the notified date for the student to download and take a print online from website. Candidate, appearing in Offline mode, has to carry to the examination centre a printed hard copy of the Admit Card and photo ID proof.
b) Candidates must ensure that the admit card is not mutilated/ distorted/ soiled even by accident. It will be required during DV
c) Duplicate admit cards cannot be generated after the examination. Hence, candidates are advised to retain their admit cards carefully in secured place in undamaged condition for all future purpose.
d) SMFWBEE does not verify the information provided by the candidate during on‐line application. Admit cards issued only on the basis of the information provided by the candidate. All applicants who appear to be prima facie eligible will be issued admit cards and shall be provisionally permitted to sit for SMFWBEE‐2021.
e) All verifications are done after counseling, admission, registration with the Faculty etc. If at any stage after examination it is found on scrutiny that the applicant is otherwise ineligible, his/her candidature shall be treated as cancelled even if he/she had appeared in and secured a Merit Rank in SMFWBEE‐2021. Appearing in the examination and securing a Rank in the SMFWBEE‐2021 does not constitute a right/guarantee in favour of a candidate for his/her claim for admission.
Guidance for taking the TFH Entrance Examination (Online Mode)
SMFWBEE 2021 Examination Rules :
1. Candidates will be allowed to Login the examination window 15 minutes before commencement of the test.
2. Be sure about the functioning of the hardware and software on the day of Mock Test in order to avoid any inconvenience on the final examination day. Resolve all queries before the day of examination on technical helpdesk. READ THE CBT TEST MANUAL CAREFULLY.
3. No candidate will be allowed to sit for the test other than the one allotted to him/her & mentioned in the admit card.
4. The following documents will be needed to produce at the start of examination window during mock and final day examination.
a. Any photo identity card in original such as Aadhaar card/ Pan card / Passport/ 10th standard admit card / School – ID card or Govt. issued photo id card for 30 seconds before web camera/mobile camera at the start of exam..
5. Candidates are advised to take their seats at least 30 minutes before the test.
6. No candidate shall enter the examination window beyond the scheduled time of commencement of the test. Late comers will not get any extra time.
7. Candidates are advised to ensure normal internet connection and data availability on their devices during the course of examination. Internet speed of 1 mbps and above is advised.
8. Keep an additional computer machine / laptop/ android smart phone with camera functioning with internet and data as a back up, if possible.
9. Read instruction given on first screen very carefully
1) All Candidates are advised to take the Mock Exam whose link is provided in your respective SMS / E-Mail / Login to test the software and system requirements as already specified during online application and ensure that your device is able to login and perform as desired. Your mock exam session shall be duly logged. If any candidate fails to take the same, he/ she cannot later complain of system nonconformance. Mock exam is to get you accustomed to the software as well as test your hardware.
2) CBT can be taken from Home PC / Laptop / Android Phone / Tablet following basic Requirements stated below:
Basic system requirements :
a) Windows Operating System 7, 8 or 10, or updated Android version
b) Candidate can appear for the exams through their Android phone also.
c) The updated version of Google Chrome Browser for Android device .
d) WEBCAM / Front Camera in working condition. This is a COMPULSORY requirement for Logging in and surveillance.
e) Uninterrupted Internet connection of 1 Mbps or more for 60 mins
f) All Pop-ups/notifications should be disabled in the browser / phone to avoid disruption.
g) RAM: Minimum 2GB ; UPS / Fully charged battery
3) Upon first login and start of test show your Photo ID proof such as
PAN/Adhaar/Voter ID/ or any other photo ID towards the camera for 30 sec. You are advised to Login 15 minutes before the start of test
4) DISQUALIFICATION CRITERIA : Candidature shall be declared Disqualified if any of the following criteria is violated during TFH-CBT
A) Candidates are not allowed to leave their room or table for any purpose during the entire duration of test. Hence he/ she is advised to prepare themselves before hand.
Any picture which finds you missing from desk shall be a cause for disqualification.
B) Candidates found talking or taking phone calls or with another mobile in hand
C) Candidates shall be provided virtual calculators online in the exam software.
D) Visibility of any other person in the room or around the candidates during the test duration.
E) Candidates who try to minimize the browser or open another tab shall be warned and their test will be automatically logged out and treated as malpractice. Hence
please ensure all pop-ups / notifications/ sms / whatsapp messages are blocked temporarily.
F) Switching off / hiding the camera / microphone during the course of exam
G) The software records any effort to take Screenshots / Print screens and shall be a cause for disqualification of candidate.
H) Attempt to Multiple Logins from different devices will lock the exam or lead to rejection.
5) Do not close the exam window or browser or else your test will be submitted automatically
6) In case you get logged out abruptly from device, try to re-login or else please call / e mail helpdesk. Do not try to do any other activity on your PC/laptop/Android phone during the examination period.
7) Once you complete the test, click and go to last question and then Press the “SUBMIT BUTTON”.
8) In case you have any issues from Desktop/Laptop/Mobile phone, you may logout and switch to other device immediately, if desired. But, multiple logins are not allowed and will get logged out unsaved. Keeping a back-up device is wise and advisable.
10) We trust your Integrity of Purpose and Honesty of approach, so please do not let us down.
Rules of the Entrance Examination (Offline Mode)
SMFWBEE 2021 Examination Rules :
1. Candidates will be allowed to enter the examination centre 30 minutes before
commencement of the test.
2. Be sure about the exact location of your examination centre and means of commuting in
order to avoid any inconvenience on the day of examination.
3. No candidate will be allowed to sit for the test in any centre other than the one allotted to
him/her & mentioned in the admit card.
4. Carry the following documents in order to enter the examination centre.
a. A hard copy of admit card of SMFWBEE‐2021
b. A copy of colored photograph uploaded during online application.
c. Any photo identity card in original such as Aadhar card/ Pan card / Passport/ 10th
standard admit card/ School – ID card.
5. Candidates are advised to take their seats at least 15 minutes before the test.
6. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall beyond the scheduled time of
commencement of the test under any circumstances.
Candidates are advised to carry only the following items with them into the examination venue:
a) Admit Card / Call letter (a clear printout on A4 size paper) .
b) A simple transparent Ball Point Pen
c) Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
d) Personal transparent water bottle
e) Proper Face Mask
f) Hand gloves are not allowed.
g) Vaccination certificate, if available
7. Candidates are not allowed to carry any written or printed material, calculator, pen, docu‐ pen, log table, wristwatch, any communication device like mobile phones etc. inside the
examination hall. Any candidate found with such items will be reported against & his/her candidature will be summarily cancelled.
8. Question booklets will be distributed maximum 15 minutes before commencement of the test. Take out the OMR sheet without breaking seals of the question booklet.
9. Put your signature on the top of question booklet.
10. Read instruction given on OMR & on the cover page of question booklet very carefully.
11. Write question booklet number & roll number at the appropriate places on the OMR. If you make any mistake while doing so do not over write. Request the invigilator to strike it out & rewrite the correct no and put his/her signature. Wrong entry of question booklet number & roll number may lead to rejection of the OMR if not corrected & signed by the invigilator.
12. Darken appropriate bubbles of question booklet number & Roll number.
13. Write your name in BLOCK LETTERS, name of the centre & put your signature in appropriate places on the OMR. Do not put any stray mark anywhere else; it may lead to rejection of OMR.
14. Put your signature at appropriate place in the attendance sheet.
16. Check that your Roll number, photograph, spelling of your name in the attendance sheet matches with those given in your admit card. If any correction is needed, bring it to the notice of the invigilator.
17. Question booklet seals can be opened only at the time of commencement of test and as announce by the invigilator. Check all the pages of question booklet. If there is any damage or missing page or any difficulties to read the question booklet, ask your invigilator to replace the whole set from the same series.
18. Maintain silence during the test. Any conversation/gesticulation or creation of disturbances will be deemed as misdemeanor. If any candidate is found adopting any unfair means, his/her candidature will be cancelled and / or he/she will be debarred either permanently or for a period for the paper as deemed fit by the Centre‐ in‐ Charge.
19. No discussion will be allowed with the invigilator regarding the question.
20. Candidates may do rough work in the space provided in the question booklet.
21. No candidate will leave his/her seat without permission of the invigilator until the test is over.
22. No candidate will leave the hall till the end of the test & all OMRs are collected & tallied by the invigilator.
23. Candidates are NOT allowed to take his/her question booklet after the test.
24. Any candidate found to occupy a seat other than the one allotted to him/her will be reported against & his/her paper will be cancelled.
25. If any Examinee is found impersonating he will be handed over to the police & candidature of the original candidate will be cancelled outright.
26. For any query regarding the examination contact,
- The Secretary State Medical Faculty of West Bengal 14C, Beliaghata Main Road, Kolkata – 700085
- Examination Helpdesk :‐ 9674524077
- Email: Link :‐