Best Book for Network Theory for Gate ECE EE EEE | Network Theory Books PDF Free Download
Best Book for Network Theory Free Download: Download For Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics, and Communication Engineering students and graduates, we’ve assembled a selection of the Best & Standard Reference Books on Network Theory Many students and alumni from renowned universities, institutes, and colleges use these books.
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Best Book for Network Theory PDF Free Download:
Module I
Node and Mesh Analysis, matrix approach of network containing voltage and current sources, and reactances, source transformation and duality. Network theorems: Superposition, reciprocity, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Maximum power Transfer, compensation and Tallegen’s theorem as applied to AC. circuits.
Module II
Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series: Discrete spectra and symmetry of waveform, steady state response of a network to non-sinusoidal periodic inputs, power factor, effective values, Fourier transform and continuous spectra, three phase unbalanced circuit and power
Module III
Laplace transforms and properties: Partial fractions, singularity functions, waveform synthesis, analysis of RC, RL, and RLC networks with and without initial conditions with Laplace transforms evaluation of initial conditions.
Module IV
Transient behavior, concept of complex frequency, Driving points and transfer functions poles and zeros of immittance function, their properties, sinusoidal response from pole-zero locations, convolution theorem and Two four port network and interconnections, Behaviors of series and parallel resonant circuits, Introduction to band pass, low pass, high pass and band reject filters.
Book Name | Author’s Name |
Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology |
John Bird |
Network Analysis |
Van, Valkenburg. |
Network & System |
Ashfaq Husain |
Circuit Theory & Network (3rd edition) |
A Chakraborty, S P Ghosh |
About Book:
This very well textbook presents the fundamentals of electrical circuit theory and technology for students of electrical and mechanical engineering.
The theory is put into context with real-world scenarios and engineering examples. Worked problems with solutions aid learning, and additional problems allow you to test and check that you have properly grasped each subject. The book includes 800 worked questions, 1000 additional problems, and 14 online review tests with solutions.
This an ideal text for foundation and undergraduate degree students and those on upper level vocational engineering courses, in particular electrical and mechanical. It provides a sound understanding of the knowledge required by technicians in fields such as electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunications.
This edition has been updated with developments in key areas such as semiconductors, transistors, and fuel cells, along with brand new material on ABCD parameters and Fourier’s Analysis. It is supported by a companion website that contains solutions to the 1000 questions in the practice exercises, formulae to help students answer the questions and information about the famous mathematicians and scientists mentioned in the book. Lecturers also have access to full solutions and the marking scheme for the 14 revision tests, lesson plans and illustrations from the book.
About Book:
Basic tools for designing digital circuits and techniques suited for a variety of digital applications are provided by Network Analysis. Digital Design, 6th Edition is a current update to a classic, authoritative reference that covers the essential concepts of digital design in a clear, approachable manner. This version of Digital Design, like previous editions, encourages a multimodal approach to learning with a focus on digital design, independent of language. The book offers parallel tracks of presentation of several languages, recognising that three public-domain languages, Verilog, VHDL, and System Verilog, all play a part in design flows for today’s digital products.
About Book:
The 6th edition of Silberschatz, Korth, and Sudarshan’s Database System Concepts is one of the most important texts in database education. It explains the core ideas of database management in an easy-to-understand manner so that students may start working with databases right away.
The text is intended for a junior/senior undergraduate database course or a first-year graduate database course. It also includes extra content that can be used as supplements or as an introduction to a more advanced course.
Because the authors convey concepts as intuitive descriptions, all that is required is a fundamental understanding of data structures, computer organisation, and a high-level programming language. Formal proofs are omitted, but important theoretical results are given. Figures and examples are used instead of proofs to explain why a result is correct.
About the Authors :
SP Ghosh did his BE (Hon.) in Electrical Engineering from Regional Engineering College (presently, National Institute of Technology), Durgapur, and received a Master of Electrical Engineering degree from: Jadavpur University, Kolkata, with specialization in High Voltage Engineering. He joined College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, in 2002. Presently, he is an Assistant Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering at College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat. He has presented several papers in national and international conferences. He is also involved in obtaining a PhD at Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur. His areas of interest include Power Systems, Electrical Machines, Artificial Neural Networks, and related topics.
AK Chakraborty received his BEE (Hon.) from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, M. Tech in Power System Engineering from IIT Kharagpur and PhD (Engineering) again from Jadavpur University. He joined College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, in 1998 as Assistant Professor and was promoted to the post of Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department. He served as HOD from 2002 to 2005 in the same department. He also worked as a Lecturer in NIT Silchar for five years. He has served in number of industries, namely, CESC Ltd. and the Tinplate Company of India Ltd. (a Tata Enterprise) for over fourteen years before joining this institute. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers (India), Chartered Engineer and a Life Member of ISTE. He has presented several technical papers in national and international conferences and has also published his essays in reputed journals. As an enthusiastic teacher, he is actively involved in guiding M.Tech and PhD (Engineering) scholars. His research interests are in the field of Power System Protection, Economic Operation of Power Systems, Deregulated Power System, HVDC, and related topics.
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