[PDF] Best Book for Electronic Devices And Circuits for Gate | Electronic Devices Books PDF Free Download for ECE
Electronic Devices Books PDF Free Download: Download For Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communication Engineering students and graduates, we’ve assembled a selection of the Best & Standard Reference Books on Electronic Devices . Many students and alumni from renowned universities, institutes, and colleges use these books.
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Electronic Devices Books PDF Free Download:
Module I:
Energy bands & Current Carriers in Semiconductors: Bonding Forces in Solids, Energy Bands theory in crystals (Qualitative Analysis), Metals, Semiconductors, & Insulators, Fermi-Level, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Concept of Holes, Carrier Concentration. and Mobility, diffusion and drift of carriers, continuity equation, Injected minority carrier charge, Recombination and generation of charge carriers. Generation and recombination of carriers; Poisson and continuity equation
Module II:
P-N junction: Physical Description of p-n junction, Basic device technologies for fabrication of a p-n junction, I-Vcharacteristics, and small signal switching models; Avalanche breakdown, Zener diode, Schottky diode Bipolar Junction Transistor: Basic Construction, I-V characteristics, Ebers-Moll Model.
Module III:
MOSFET: MOS capacitor, C-V characteristics, MOSFET, I-V characteristics, and small signal
models of MOS transistor
Opto–Electronics: Optical absorption in semiconductors, photovoltaic effects, solar cells (p-n junction), Photoconductors, Photodiode, PIN photodiode, Avalanche photodiode, Phototransistor, LED, Semiconductor Laser (p-n junction)
Integrated circuit: fabrication process: oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography, etching, chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, twin-tub CMOS process.
Book Name | Author’s Name |
Solid State Electronic Devices, 6th Edition | G. Streetman, and S. K. Banerjee |
Fundamentals of Electronics_ Book 1_ Electronic Devices and Circuit Applications | Thomas F. Schubert, Jr. Ernest M. Kim |
Electronics Fundamentals Circuits, Devices and Applications | Thomas L. Floyd David L. Buchla Eighth Edition |
Electronic Devices and Circuits | K. Lal Kishore |
“Semiconductor Physics and Devices,” McGraw-Hill Education | D. Neamen , D. Biswas |
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory | ROBERT L. BOYLESTAD LOUIS NASHELSKY |
Physics of Semiconductor Devices: 17th International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices | A. Kumar & V. K. Jain & Abhishek Verma |
“Fundamentals of solid state electronics,” | C.T. Sah, |
About Book:
One of the most widely used introductory books on semiconductor materials, physics, devices and technology, this text aims to: 1) develop basic semiconductor physics concepts, so students can better understand current and future devices; and 2) provide a sound understanding of current semiconductor devices and technology, so that their applications to electronic and optoelectronic circuits and systems can be appreciated. Students are brought to a level of understanding that will enable them to read much of the current literature on new devices and applications.
About Book:
Electronic Devices and Circuit Application is the first of four volumes in the Fundamentals of Electronics series. Operational amplifiers, semiconductor diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and field effect transistors are the four main building blocks of modern electronics, and each of their basic operations is described in four chapters. The reader’s attention is focused on gaining a comprehensive comprehension of each of the gadgets when they are in balance. The book also develops ideas necessary to the study of electronic circuits at a basic level, reducing the risk of misunderstandings at a higher level.The difference between linear and non-linear operation is investigated using a range of circuit examples, such as amplifiers built with operational amplifiers as the core component and basic digital logic gates built with various transistor types. Fundamentals of Electronics was created with the intention of being used in an upper division electronics course for electrical engineering students. A typical course lasts two semesters or three quarters and lasts a full academic year.As a result, Electronic Devices and Circuit Applications, as well as the following two books, Amplifiers: Analysis and Design and Active Filters and Amplifier Frequency Response, are a good starting point for such a course. Use in a one-semester electronics course for engineers or as a reference for professional engineers are examples of secondary applications.
About Book:
This well-known book covers a wide range of basic electrical and electronic ideas, as well as hands-on applications and troubleshooting. The Seventh Edition, written in a simple and understandable narrative, concentrates on fundamental ideas and their applicability to real-world circuit analysis difficulties, with six chapters devoted to electronic devices. The following are some major features:
Glossary of key terms is provided at the end of each chapter.
Illustrations that are vivid.
Numerous examples illustrate major concepts, theorems, and procedures in each chapter.
This book is ideal for anyone working in electronics, engineering, technical sales, field service, or production.
About Book:
The contents and topics are revised so that there is almost one to one match between the syllabus and topics will match. This textbook will also be very useful for preparing competitive examinations like GATE, Engineering services exams and such other examinations. This book is also useful for AMIETE, AMIE (Electronics), M.Sc (Electronics), Polytechnic and Diploma programs in Electronics and B.Sc (Electronics) Courses.
Salient Features:
Objective Type Questions, Essay Type Questions and Conceptual questions and answers for such questions are given at the end of each chapter.
– Questions from GATE examinations pertaining to the topics covered in the text book are worked out and solutions are given.
– Appendices containing practical aspects of Electronic Components are given, which will make the students “Industry Worthy”.
About Book:
This is likely the most thorough undergraduate textbook on solid state electronics fundamentals. It covers subjects such as materials physics, device physics, and basic circuit building blocks that aren’t included in other textbooks on the subject. A historical backdrop and motivations for device innovation and circuit evolution are provided for each topic. Fundamental physics is thoroughly discussed with the least amount of tiresome algebra and advanced maths as possible. A systematic classification of fundamental mechanisms, which is not seen even in advanced texts, is another unique characteristic.It connects the solid state device physics covered in this course with what students learned in their first two years of study. The second portion of each chapter is also utilised in an advanced undergraduate course on solid state devices, and it has been very successful in a one-semester introductory core course for electrical and other engineering, materials science, and physics juniors. Engineers can use this book to seek up essential concepts and data, design formulae, and new devices like GeSi heterostructure bipolar transistors since it includes previously inaccessible assessments of the basic transistor digital circuit building blocks and cells.
About Book:
Semiconductor Physics and Devices by Neamen is a book meant for the undergraduatecourse in semiconductor physics and devices. The book aims to bring togetherquantum mechanics, the quantum theory of solids, semiconductor material physics andsemiconductor device physics which will provide a strong foundation for the buddingengineer to understand and participate in advancing the technology in this field.
About Book:
The purpose of this workshop is to spread the vast amount of information available on semiconductor physics to every possible field throughout the scientific community. As a result, the latest findings, research and discoveries can be quickly disseminated. This workshop provides all participating research groups with an excellent platform for interaction and collaboration with other members of their respective scientific community.
This workshop’s technical sessions include various current and significant topics for applications and scientific developments, including
• Optoelectronics
• VLSI & ULSI Technology
• Photovoltaics
• MEMS & Sensors
• Device Modeling and Simulation
• High Frequency/ Power Devices
• Nanotechnology and Emerging Areas
• Organic Electronics
• Displays and Lighting
Many eminent scientists from various national and international organizations are actively participating with their latest research works and also equally supporting this mega event by joining the various organizing committees.
About Book :
The Third Edition of the standard textbook and reference in the field of semiconductor devices
This classic book has set the standard for advanced study and reference in the semiconductor device field. Now completely updated and reorganized to reflect the tremendous advances in device concepts and performance, this Third Edition remains the most detailed and exhaustive single source of information on the most important semiconductor devices. It gives readers immediate access to detailed descriptions of the underlying physics and performance characteristics of all major bipolar, field-effect, microwave, photonic, and sensor devices.
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