Best Book for Microwave Theory and Technique for Gate | Microwave Theory and Technique Books PDF Free Download
Best Book for Microwave Theory and Technique : Download For Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communication Engineering students and graduates, we’ve assembled a selection of the Best & Standard Reference Books on Microwave Theory and Technique . Many students and alumni from renowned universities, institutes, and colleges use these books.
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Microwave Theory and Technique
Introduction to Microwaves-History of Microwaves, Microwave Frequency bands; Applications of Microwaves: Civil and Military, Medical, EMI/ EMC.
Mathematical Model of Microwave Transmission-Concept of Mode, Features ofTEM, TE and TM Modes, Losses associated with microwave transmission, Concept of Impedance in Microwave transmission.
Analysis of RF and Microwave Transmission Lines- Coaxial line, Rectangular waveguide, Circular waveguide, Strip line, Micro strip line.
Microwave Network Analysis- Equivalent voltages and currents for non-TEMlines, Network parameters for microwave circuits, Scattering Parameters.
Passive and Active Microwave Devices- Microwave passive components:Directional Coupler, Power Divider, Magic Tee, Attenuator, Resonator. Microwave active components: Diodes, Transistors, Oscillators, Mixers. Microwave Semiconductor Devices: Gunn Diodes, IMPATT diodes, Schottky Barrier diodes, PIN diodes. Microwave Tubes: Klystron, TWT, Magnetron.
Microwave Design Principles-Impedance transformation, Impedance Matching, Microwave Filter Design, RF and Microwave Amplifier Design, Microwave Power Amplifier Design, Low Noise Amplifier Design, Microwave Mixer Design, Microwave Oscillator Design.
Microwave Antennas-Antenna parameters, Antenna for ground based systems, Antennas for airborne and satellite borne systems, Planar Antennas.
Microwave Measurements- Power, Frequency and impedance measurement atmicrowave frequency, Network Analyzer and measurement of scattering parameters, Spectrum Analyzer and measurement of spectrum of a microwave signal, Noise at microwave frequency and measurement of noise figure. Measurement of Microwave antenna parameters.
Microwave Systems- Radar, Terrestrial and Satellite Communication, Radio Aidsto Navigation, RFID, GPS. Modern Trends in Microwaves Engineering- Effect of Microwaves on human body, Medical and Civil applications of microwaves, Electromagnetic interference and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI & EMC), Monolithic Microwave ICs, RFMEMS for microwave components, Microwave Imaging. ( Best Book for Microwave Theory and Technique )
Book Name | Author’s Name |
Foundations of Microwave Engineering | Robert E. Collin |
RF and Microwave Coupled-Line Circuits |
Inder Bahl , Prakash Bhartia , J. R. Hong , R.K. Mongia |
Modern Microwave Circuits (Artech House Microwave Library) | Noyan Kinayman & M. I. Aksun |
High Frequency Techniques: An Introduction to RF and Microwave Engineering |
Joseph F. White |
About Book:
The book covers the major topics of microwave engineering. Its presentation defines the accepted standard for both advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses on microwave engineering. It is an essential reference book for the practicing microwave engineer.
About Author :
Robert E. Collin is the author or co-author of more than 150 technical papers and five books on electromagnetic theory and applications. His classic text, Field Theory of Guided Waves, is also a volume in the series. Professor Collin has had a long and distinguished academic career at Case Western Reserve University. In addition to his professorial duties, he has served as chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering and as interim dean of engineering. Professor Collin is a life fellow of the IEEE and a member of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and the Antennas and Propagation Society (APS). He is a member of the U.S. Commission B of URSI and a member of the Geophysical Society. Other honors include the Diekman Award from Case Western Reserve University for distinguished graduate teaching, the IEEE APS Distinguished Career Award (1992), the IEEE Schelkunoff Prize Paper Award (1992), the IEEE Electromagnetics Award (1998), and an IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000. In 1990 Professor Collin was elected to the National Academy of Engineering.
About Author:
R. Mongia is part of the Advance Member Technical Staff at Com Dev Ltd. and Inder J. Bahl works as an Executive Scientist at ITT-GaAsTEK. Both have earned a Ph.D. in Microwave Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology. Prakash Bhartia is Director General at the Defense Research Establishment, Ottawa and holds a Ph.D. in Electromagnetics from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
About Book:
“RF and Microwave Coupled-Line Circuits,” a 1999 Artech House classic, has been extensively revised to provide you with a thoroughly up-to-date understanding of coupled line fundamentals, as well as their applications in designing microwave and millimeter-wave components used in today’s communications, microwave, and radar systems. The Second Edition has a lot of new content, especially in terms of applications. You’ll find brand new discussions on coupled line high pass filters, filter design software, advanced filter technology, and filter design employing new materials and technologies.
About Book:
This is a one-stop reference on microstrip technology for professional microwave engineers. This thorough book provides engineers with all of the practical details on microstrip circuit design and simulation that they require for their field work. It also provides practitioners with a thorough understanding of microwave network theory. Engineers learn how to construct microwave circuits and, for the first time, are given a clear description of how to connect them into a network. Model extraction, network synthesis, and computer-based performance simulation are among the simulation approaches covered in detail in this book. CD-ROM Included! Contains MathCAD scripts that practitioners can use to run all the essential formulas used in microstrip circuit design.
About Book :
Mark Lutz’s book ‘Programming Python’ is for programmers who have mastered the principles of Python programming and are ready to apply their knowledge to real-world problems. In-depth tutorials on several Python application domains, such as GUIs, the Web, and system management, are included in this book. The book also goes through how databases use the language, as well as text processing, front-end scripting levels, networking, and other topics.
The book takes a concise but thorough approach to explaining commonly used tools, language syntax, and programming methodologies. The book includes numerous instances of proper usage and frequent idioms.The book also delves into the language’s use as a software development tool, with a number of examples developed specifically for that purpose.
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