This Quiz is a MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) type focus on Basic Civil MCQs covering the topic "Solid Waste Management" . This is chosen from most authorized and best reference books on Civil Engineering. This MCQs help in various competitive exam like GATE, PSU, MAKAUT EXAM IIT EXAM etc. The answers to the solved questions in this Test: Our practice set provide a good balance of easy and difficult problems.
How many major sources of solid waste are there based on their origin?
Which of the below is not an idea behind solid waste management?
The number of functional components of solid waste management is:
Under which rule of Government, guidelines for solid waste management are followed today?
The average composition of Municipal solid waste is:
There are __________ ways to treat waste thermally.
How many types of landfills are there?
Bio-medical waste can be effectively managed by the thermal process.
The WHO has classified the bio-medical waste into ___________ categories.
Which gas produced in open dumps from the decomposition of biodegradable waste?
Waste removal system was established in which of the following cities for the first time?
Which of the following solid wastes describes the term ‘Municipal Solid Waste’?
Why is it difficult to recycle plastics?
Which of the following is done on an individual level?
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