GKCIET Recruitment 2021 Apply Latest GKCIET Vacancies Job Notification | West Bengal Job Update
GKCIET Recruitment 2021 All Latest and Upcoming GKCIET Recruitment 2021-22 Job Notifications released on 12 September 2021 and Candidates can apply online for the post from gkciet.ac.in Recruitment 2021. Instant availability of Information provided on BECIL Recruitment are for the benefit of the jobseekers and aspirants looking for jobs with GKCIET. Subscribe now to achieve your dream job through Recruitment 2021-22.

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GKCIET Recruiting 2021-22: All interested candidates looking for GKCIET jobs in India in 2021 should visit this page for the most up-to-date recruitment information. In StudyWithGenius.in , you can find more information and updates regarding GKCIET recruitment 2021, including sarkari result, dates, and schedules. Job openings for both freshers and experienced individuals can be found here. Subscribe to the Job Alert Service to receive daily notifications on all government jobs 2021 in India, as well as updates to the GKCIET recruiting page.
GKCIET Recruitment 2021 Notification
Non-teaching Posts:
Sl. No. | Name of the Post | Post(s) |
01 | Security Officer | UR-01 |
02 | Assistant Engineer | UR-01 |
03 | P.A to Director | UR-01 |
04 | Section Officer | UR-01 |
05 | Assistant | UR-01 |
06 | Sorter (Library) | UR-01 |
Total | 06 |
Pay Scales (7th CPC):
S. No. | Name of the Post | Pay Scale |
01 | Security Officer | ₹ 5400 G.P, Level-09, ₹ 53,100 as per 7th CPC |
02 | Assistant Engineer | ₹ 5400 G.P, Level-09, ₹ 53,100 as per 7th CPC |
03 | P.A to Director | ₹ 4200 G.P, Level-06, ₹ 35,400 as per 7th CPC |
04 | Section Officer | ₹ 4800 G.P, Level-08, ₹ 47,600 as per 7th CPC |
05 | Assistant | ₹ 4200 G.P, Level-06, ₹ 35,400 as per 7th CPC |
06 | Sorter (Library) | ₹ 1900 G.P, Level-02, ₹ 19,900 as per 7th CPC |
Qualifications, Experience and Age Limit:
Post | Qualifications, Experience and Age Limit |
Security Officer | Essential Qualification and Experience: Bachelor degree from a recognized University /Institute with 5 years’ experience in Supervising position in Army/ Central Paramilitary Forces/ Government Organization/ Educational Institutions/ Private Organization. [Preference will be given to the persons who have served in the Army/ Central Paramilitary Forces/police Department or such uniformed services and possessing a valid Arms License]. Desirable: i) Training and handling emergency situation like Fire Fighting, Rescue Operations, Floods, Earthquake etc. |
ii) Possessing a Diploma certificate in Security Operations/Fire safety and disaster management from a University/ Institute/ Reputed Organization Deputation/Contract Basis: Initially for 5 years and extendable upto 7 years on mutually agreeable terms. Officers of Central/State Govt./PSU/Statutory or Autonomous Organization/University/institutes of National Importance. Holding Analogous post on regular basis and possessing essential qualification and experience as prescribed above. Age Limit: 35 Years for direct recruitment. | |
Assistant Engineer | Essential: First class Bachelor’s degree or equivalent grade in Engineering and Technology in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institute, Desirable: i) Experience in handling construction projects/ Maintenance of civil engineering assets. ii) Knowledge of computer-aided Design [CAD) and latest IT Technologies/other relevant software applications. Deputation/Contract Basis: Initially for 5 years which may be reviewed on mutually agreed terms upto 7 years. Officers from CPWD/State PWD or similar organized services/ semi-Govt. /PSU/Statutory or Autonomous organization/ University, Institutes of National Importance. i] Holding Analogous post on regular basis ii) Possessing qualification and experience as prescribed above. Age Limit: 35 Years for direct recruitment. |
P.A to Director | Essential: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized University/ Institute with minimum speed in short hand 100 w.p.m in stenography in English. Desirable: i) Proficiency in computer word processing/e-office system, and Spread sheet. ii) Proficiency in speaking and writing of English and Hindi Age Limit: 30 years. |
Section Officer | Essential: Master’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University/Institute with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade. Desirable: (i) Proficiency in Computer Word Processing, Spread Sheet and other computer skills (ii) Experience in handling educational administration etc. (iii)Proficiency in speaking and writing of English and Hindi Age Limit: 30 years. |
Assistant | Essential: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university/Institute with minimum typing speed of 35 w.p.m. and proficiency in computer word |
processing and Spread Sheet. Desirable: (i) Proficiency in other computer skills, e-office (ii) Proficiency in speaking and writing of English and Hindi Age Limit: 30 years. | |
Sorter (Library) | Essential: Higher Secondary (12th std.) or its equivalent from a recognized board. Desirable: (i) Proficiency in Computer Word Processing and Spread Sheet. (ii) Completion of any Certificate course in library science from a recognized organization/ Institute. Age Limit: 30 years. |
01. | Last Date for receiving application: 30.09.2021(Thursday), 11.59 pm through Online submission only at the recruitment link https://www.gkciet.ac.in/notice/recruitment/online |
02. | Submission of Online Applications: Please read/follow the instructions given in recruitment portal before filling up and submitting the application online. Applications or any other documents will not be received by hand/email/post/courier etc. |
03. | Photograph A latest passport size photograph is to be uploaded at the designated column online, as per size prescribed. |
04. | Separate applications are required for each post applied for. |
05. | Application Fee For General/OBC/EWS candidates : Rs. 1500/- For SC/ST candidates : Rs. 500/- |
For PWD candidates : Rs. NIL | |
06. | Persons already in service, permanent or temporary, must apply through proper channel. |
07. | Evidence of Date of Birth Please upload a self-attested copy of your Matric/ Senior Secondary Certificate Mark sheet as evidence of your date of birth. If the certificate does not contain the date of birth, you should furnish a self-attested copy of certificate from the High School/ Senior Secondary School last attended by you showing your date of birth as recorded on entry or baptismal or birth registration certificate in addition to a copy of the High/ Senior Secondary School or equivalent certificate. |
পশ্চিমবঙ্গের যে কোন জেলার যে কোন গ্রাম ও শহরের সমস্ত ছোট বড় সরকারি চাকরির আবডেট প্রতিদিন আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে ভিডিও আপলোড করা হয় । তাই এই সমস্ত দরকারি ভিডিও পেতে আমাদের চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন ধন্যবাদ..❤️