
Take the online NEET mock test on StudyWithGenius that covers the entire syllabus to boost your preparation. Enrol now to take the mock test. Every medical aspirant must take the NEET mock test in 2021. Experts complete your study materials and ensure that you pass the exam with flying colours.

Sl. No. Subject No. of Questions Marks
1 Physics 45 180
2 Chemistry 45 180
4 Zoology 45 180
3 Botany 45 180
Total 180 720
  • Each question carries 4 marks
  • Correct answer fetches 4 marks for each question
  • 1 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer
  • If, after the process of challenging a key, more than one option is found to be correct, then any/all one of the multiple correct options which are marked will be awarded 4 marks
  • No marks are awarded if questions are left unanswered or unattempted
  • In the event if a question was ignored or dropped, all the candidates shall be awarded 4 marks regardless of the fact that whether the question was attempted or not

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