
Welcome to your Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction MCQs

A bar of length 0.15 m slides along metal rails at a speed of 5 m/s. The bar and rails are in a magnetic field of 40 T, pointing out into the page. The resistance of two resistors in parallel is both 20 Ω, and the resistance of the bar is 5 Ω. What is the current in the bar?

A bar of length 2m is said to fall freely in a magnetic field of magnitude 50 T. What is the motional emf in the bar when it has fallen 40 meters?

Which among the following affects the deflection in the galvanometer?

In the second experiment, Faraday replaced ‘X’ with ‘Y’ for checking the deflection in the galvanometer. Identify X and Y.

Find the true statement.

Pick out the SI unit of magnetic flux.

When is the magnetic flux said to be positive?

Calculate the magnetic flux when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the surface area.

Which type of physical quantity is magnetic flux?

Calculate the magnetic flux produced when the magnetic field is parallel to the surface area.

Which of the following is not an application of eddy currents?

Eddy currents can be used to heat localized tissues of the human body. What is this branch of science referred to as?

How can electromagnetic damping be increased?

Identify the factor on which mutual inductance does not depend.

Calculate the mutual inductance between two coils if a current 10 A in the primary coil changes the flux by 500 Wb per turn in the secondary coil of 200 turns.

What is the relative permeability of an air-core inductor, if its self-inductance increases from 0.5 mH to 50 mH due to the introduction of an iron core into it?

What is the self-inductance of the coil, if the magnetic flux of 10 microwebers is linked with a coil when a current of 5 mA flows through it?

Which of the following statement is valid?

The current in a wire passing normally through the center of a conducting loop is increasing at a constant rate. What is the net current induced in the loop?

Which of the following is found using Lenz’s law? a) Induced emf b) Induced current c) The direction of induced emf d) The direction of alternating current

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