This Quiz is a MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) type focus on Basic Civil MCQs covering the topic "Grades of Cement" . This is chosen from most authorized and best reference books on Civil Engineering. This MCQs help in various competitive exam like GATE, PSU, MAKAUT EXAM IIT EXAM etc. The answers to the solved questions in this Test: Our practice set provide a good balance of easy and difficult problems.
The compressive strength of OPC increases with time:
The specific surface( in cm2\gm) of good Portland cement should not be less than?
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) has been classified into how many grades?
How much maximum percentage by mass of performance improvers can be added in grade 33 OPC?
Grade 43 OPC is used widely for:
The ratio of different ingredients (cement, sand and aggregate) in concrete mix of grade M 20 is
What is the required minimum fineness for grade 53 OPC?
Which of the following cannot be added in 33 grade OPC after burning stage?
The concrete mix of grade M 25 means that the compressive strength of 15 cm cubes at 28 days after mixing is
After how many days is the strength of cement is tested and graded according to the result?
For portland cement of 43 grade, 28 day mean compressive strength should be? a
Which of the following grade is not recommended by IS 456-1978?
Grade 43 OPC shall be rejected if it remains in bulk storage in the factory for:
What does grade 33 cement indicate?
The ratio of percentage of alumina to iron oxide in OPC 43 grade is:
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