This Quiz is a MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) type focus on Basic Civil MCQs covering the topic "Qualities of Good Brick" . This is chosen from most authorized and best reference books on Civil Engineering. This MCQs help in various competitive exam like GATE, PSU, MAKAUT EXAM IIT EXAM etc. The answers to the solved questions in this Test: Our practice set provide a good balance of easy and difficult problems.
What is the recommended size of a brick?
A good brick should not absorb more than what percent of water when soaked?
Which of the following bricks is not preferred?
Which of the below is used to sound proof bricks?
The compressive strength of the brick should be:
A good brick when dropped from the height of 1 metre can:
What should be observed when a brick is broken?
Which of the following ranges of dimensions of a good quality brick is correct?
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