This Quiz is a MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) type focus on Basic Civil MCQs covering the topic "Manufacture of Brick" . This is chosen from most authorized and best reference books on Civil Engineering. This MCQs help in various competitive exam like GATE, PSU, MAKAUT EXAM IIT EXAM etc. The answers to the solved questions in this Test: Our practice set provide a good balance of easy and difficult problems.
Which of the following is not a chemical change that takes place in the brick earth during burning?
The meaning of slop moulded bricks is:
How many methods of moulding brick earth are there?
Which one of the following is not a part of pug mill?
The depression provided in the face of a brick during its manufacturing is called:
Plastic clay method of machine moulding results in pressed bricks.
Which one of the below is the first step in the preparation of brick earth process?
Why is the process of weathering performed?
Which is the most commonly employed drying method in India?
The process of kneading brick earth is called:
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